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Press Releases

Peltola Pressure Helps Secure Ban on Uyghur Produced Seafood

WASHINGTON – Today, following the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s announcement to add seafood to the list of high-priority sectors for enforcement under the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, Representative Mary Sattler Peltola (AK-AL) released the following statement:

“America – and Alaska specifically – produces the cleanest, best quality fish, and we pay our workers a living wage to do so. I’ve always said that outsourcing our fish production to slave labor is both inhumane and nonsensical. This action is just and will help bring American jobs back.”

Last year, investigative reports found major human rights abuses across the global seafood supply chain, including many perpetuated against Uyghurs in China, whose fishing and seafood processing centers’ output makes it into the U.S. for sale and consumption.
