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Representative Mary Sattler Peltola and Representative Chris Jacobs introduce Reducing Plastics in Wastewater Act

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) and Congresswoman Mary Peltola (AK-AL) introduced the Reducing Plastics in Wastewater Act. 

“I was proud to join the late Congressman Don Young in calling for full funding for the Save our Seas Act 2.0 in the 117th Congress. This bipartisan legislation, introduced with his successor, builds upon that work by making SOS 2.0 wastewater infrastructure projects eligible for additional funding under a federal-state partnership,” Jacobs said. “I have been committed to improving the quality of our water, and the health of our Great Lakes - I am proud put forth this legislation with Congresswoman Peltola to ensure every means of reducing plastic waste in our water systems is available to states and municipalities.”

 “As we understand more about the dangers of plastic pollution in our oceans it is clear we need to do everything possible to empower local efforts to improve wastewater treatment. Alaskans have clearly supported the effort and this bill takes the important step of making funding streams available to upgrade and improve efforts to reduce and remove plastic from wastewater,” Congresswoman Peltola said.

This bill makes Save Our Seas 2.0 (P.L. 116-224) Section 302c projects—infrastructure projects to reduce and remove plastic waste and postconsumer materials, including microplastics and microfibers, from wastewater—explicitly eligible for loans and additional subsidization under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program, regardless of community affordability considerations. This change would give state agencies, individuals, citizens’ groups, and nonprofit organizations the option of directing loans or funding from the CWSRF to certain wastewater infrastructure projects.


Save Our Seas 2.0 passed the 116th Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support and was signed into law on December 18, 2020. SOS 2.0 aims to reduce, remove, and prevent marine debris in the environment, particularly in U.S. waters and oceans around the world. If adequately funded, the law would provide important incentives for reducing and removing plastic waste from drinking water and wastewater resources. There are major gaps in funding for the law to date.

For FY22 and FY23, Representative Chris Jacobs (NY-27) led bipartisan, bicameral appropriations letters to fully fund SOS 2.0 with the late Representative Don Young (AK-AL), Representative Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), Senator Dan Sullivan (AK), and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI). You can view the FY22 letter HERE and Rep. Jacobs press conference HERE.

Absent full funding for SOS 2.0, the Reducing Plastics in Wastewater Act provides an alternate funding stream for Section 302c infrastructure projects to reduce plastic waste in wastewater. SOS 2.0 Section 302b projects, drinking water infrastructure projects, are already eligible for funding under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program.
