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Peltola Celebrates Alaska Wins in Annual Defense Bill

FY25 NDAA Passes House with Peltola-backed Alaska Priorities

WASHINGTON - Today, Representative Mary Sattler Peltola (AK-AL) voted to pass the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), giving Alaska servicemembers a raise and ensuring American military readiness. The bill now awaits action by the U.S. Senate before a final compromise is sent to the president’s’ desk and expected to be signed into law before the end of the year.


“From raising pay for our troops to strengthening our marine supply chains, this bill ensures we have the infrastructure and personnel we need to keep Alaska safe,” said Rep. Peltola “The bill also uplifts the Coast Guard’s importance and invests in the Arctic – two critical elements for our state.”


The FY25 NDAA includes:

  • A Peltola-Garamendi measure to add the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Major provisions of the PORT Act, a Peltola-authored, bipartisan bill aimed at improving the permitting process for ports.
  • A 19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted servicemembers and a 4.5% pay raise for all other service members
  • An amendment that prevents the relocation and reassignment of members of the Alaska National Guard without consent of the governor, keeping Alaskan servicemembers’ best interests in Alaska, not D.C.
  • New plans to develop a joint Arctic maritime strategy between the Coast Guard, Navy, and Marines.
  • A provision that reevaluates how cost of living allowances are calculated so they include the appropriate costs of location specific items such as food or warm clothing – important for Alaskan servicemembers especially.


“I’ve been working in DC for a while now, and I’ve learned a lot about the backward ways many things here function. While I acknowledge this bill was not perfect, it’s merely the first step in a longer process. I fully expect poison pills that would hurt our communities will be removed from the final bill, and I’m committed to working with our senators to ensure the final version is good for Alaskans,” continued Rep. Peltola. “Investing in our national security and the wellbeing of our troops is one of Congress’ most essential responsibilities – this bill provides support for the infrastructure, recruitment, and planning needs of our armed services in Alaska.”

