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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Representative Peltola applauds NOAA Fisheries’ proposal to revise key National Standards for fisheries management

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Representative Peltola applauds NOAA Fisheries’ proposal to revise key National Standards for fisheries management

May 18, 2023

Sam Erickson
Press Secretary

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Peltola applauded the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Fisheries division announcement of an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, which would allow revisions to the division’s Guidelines for National Standards, specifically sections (NS) 4 (allocations), 8 (communities), and 9 (bycatch).

“Updating these key sections of the Guidelines for National Standards was one of my top requests when I first met with NOAA officials shortly after the special election last year,” said Representative Peltola. “These standards establish the goals and limits of our fisheries regulations, including allocations, impacts on fishery-dependent communities, and bycatch reduction. It has been 15 years since they were last updated, during which time we have seen population crashes in multiple species with devastating impacts to Alaska, especially to subsistence users. I am encouraged by this initial step from NOAA and look forward to concrete policy improvements following the public comment period. This is one key piece of my all-of-the-above approach to restoring Alaska salmon runs, and my office will be following the public comment period closely. I encourage all interested Alaskans to participate and share their priorities—this is our chance to help shape how federal fishery law is interpreted for years to come.”

The public comment period will be open through September 12, 2023, with a national webinar on June 12 from 1-2:30pm ET.
